This pillar entails all programs that are geared towards the well being of reconciliation ministry workers. Such programs include;
- Debriefing:
This is the main core of the member care pillar. It is a 3-day residential program. We employ a specially designed curriculum developed by Le-Rucher ministry, combining counselling, psychology and the Biblical principles aimed at refreshing up ministry workers. This is a quarterly program held at the House of Peace Debriefing Center in Nakuru (find out more on who should apply and the application process. Also see calendar for the next session). Debriefing is also held at the client’s site on specialized terms. Institutions willing to develop their own debriefing teams are also aided through a 10-day training of facilitator in debriefing; which is inclusive of a 3-day practicum)
2. Leadership development:
WAPE in conjunction with its partners has a pool of qualified and experienced leaders who have committed to continually sharpen the leadership skills and capacities of church and Para-church institutions’ leaders. This has proven very instrumental in quelling institutional conflicts and therefore promoting harmony and stability in such institutions.
3. Couple seminar/retreat:
This is a 2-day residential seminar for reconciliation ministry workers and their spouses. The seminar equips and refreshes up the marriage relationship as well as the spirit of ‘together in ministry’.
4. Team building:
This is an annual event for all WAPE affiliated reconciliation teams, aimed at promoting harmony and teamwork.
5. Reconciliation tours and safaris:
This is an outdoor event that sums up most of the residential training programs such as debriefing retreats, couple seminars, EASOR, and team building. It involves visiting peculiar places and geographical monuments. This is always at an extra cost, though highly subsidized.